19 ianuarie 2011

Brussels Sprouts and Chestnuts with Blue Cheese


2 tablespoons olive oil
2 large shallots, halved lengthwise, sliced crosswise
1 pound brussels sprouts, stem end trimmed, halved lengthwise
1 7.25- to 7.4-ounce jar steamed chestnuts
1 cup low-salt chicken broth
1/3 cup whipping cream
3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese


Heat olive oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

Add shallots and sauté 1 minute. Add brussels sprouts and chestnuts.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper and sauté 1 minute.
Add broth and bring to boil.

Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until brussels sprouts are almost tender, about 5 minutes. Uncover and boil until almost all liquid evaporates, about 4 minutes.

Add cream and boil until brussels sprouts and chestnuts are coated with cream, stirring frequently, about 3 minutes.

Mix in chives.
Season with salt and generous amount of pepper.
Transfer to bowl.
Sprinkle with cheese and serve.


6 comentarii:

  1. Eu am facut odata varzuca din asta dar la cuptor cu zeama de lamaie si nu prea mi-a placut cine stie ce...a doua oara cand am mancat, a fost pane si mi-a placut la nebunie...deci acum stau in dubii...oare imi place? Oare nu-mi place?:D
    Oricum arata foarte bine!

  2. uau!What a receipe!Multumesc pentru aceasta reteta!e o combinatie foarte interesanta,sunt fana a castanelor,asa ca....notat!

  3. Ce bine arata!!!Am s-o incerc si eu!

  4. Nu am mancat niciodata varza de bruxells,e de incercat reteta ta,i-mi plac combinatiile intre ele si tocmai de aceea o voi incerca!pupicei!

  5. Foarte bine arata.. si frumos colorata!

  6. Va multumesc frumos.Incercati-o ca nu o va para rau.Un weekend placut!


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